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Survivor Story


Isabella was trapped in a marriage for ten years with an abusive man who rarely spoke to her. She was reluctant to leave because she wanted her son to grow up with his father. She was also afraid because her husband threatened to report her to authorities as an undocumented immigrant. But once the pandemic arrived, Isabella’s isolation with her abuser became unbearable. Being confined together 24/7, his abuse of her escalated without a break. She decided she had to leave. But with her husband present all the time, making arrangements was almost impossible. She was terrified but determined.
For weeks, Isabella worked with Casa Myrna community advocates to strategically plan the safest way to leave her abuser and move to shelter. At last, she succeeded. Isabella and her son found safety in a temporary emergency shelter unit for four months. Initially it was very hard for her; her son missed his father, and her abuser promised to change. But Isabella remained focused on making changes in her life. She participated in Casa Myrna’s Economic Stability Program, building financial skills that would help her spend wisely and save money. She worked with our Legal Advocacy Program to file for divorce. She was able to access emergency funding supports, which helped her weather the impact of COVID-19 until she found a job. Then, she met with a specialist in Casa Myrna’s Housing Advocacy Program to apply for Rapid Rehousing and secured a new apartment.
Thanks to our donors and funding partners, transitional emergency supports, including emergency shelter, emergency food and supplies and other assistance helped to make the difference for Isabella and her son when they needed to escape her abuser. Both will remain free from abuse as they build a new life.

We believe that every relationship should be safe and healthy. What do you believe?