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Victim service organizations are facing a 41% cut in funding from the federal Victim of Crime Act (VOCA). The state agency that administers this funding, the MA Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA), is advocating for $20 million in state “VOCA Bridge” funding to mitigate impending cuts.

Casa Myrna will be cut by 22% or $380,000 in FY25 (beginning July 1, 2024) if the Legislature doesn’t fund the Bridge. Without this funding, Casa Myrna will lose essential advocacy, housing, legal, counseling, and homelessness prevention supports for hundreds of survivors.

If the legislature does fund the Bridge, our cut will be 6% or $100,000.

Help us win this $20 million investment from the state to ensure the sustainability of critical victim service programs throughout the Commonwealth.

We are thrilled to share that on July 24, the Senate voted on and passed this supplemental funding, and now we await the Governor’s signature.

Show your support for the VOCA Bridge!

To find your state legislators, go to 

  • Call and email them with the following prompts:

Good [morning, afternoon, evening]! My name is [your name], and I am a [survivor, provider, ally, Casa Myrna donor, Casa Myrna staff person, constituent, etc.].  

I am asking you to support MOVA’s request for a $20M lifeline investment in victim services by expeditiously passing the supplemental budget, H.4496, with the inclusion of the VOCA Bridge. Continued state support will stabilize essential victim service programs in every county of the state and ensure that access to high-quality, trauma-informed services remain accessible amid catastrophic reductions in federal funding.

Casa Myrna, a domestic violence organization in Boston, will be cut by 22% or $380,000 in FY25 (beginning July 1, 2024) if the Legislature doesn’t fund the Bridge. Without this funding, Casa Myrna will lose essential advocacy, housing, legal, counseling, and homelessness prevention supports for hundreds of survivors.

Thank you for your time and thank you in advance for your support of survivors in Massachusetts.

  • Tag them in social media posts:


#VOCABridge will mitigate funding cuts to victim service programs in MA like @casamyrna. Please act now to fully fund the #VOCABridge and ensure survivors have access to crucial services. #mapoli [Tag legislators]

Victim service programs like @casamyrna depend on VOCA funding. Help us fully bridge the financial gap to ensure victims and survivors are supported by investing in the #VOCABridge. #mapoli [Tag legislators]

Survivors deserve access to free, high-quality services and we must continue to invest in programming to better serve them. Pass the #VOCABridge for victims, survivors, and providers. [tag legislators] [tag @massmova] #mapoli #FullyFundVOCABridge

[tag legislators] Victim service programs like @casamyrna are facing detrimental funding cuts. Free services for survivors are at risk. Together, we can close the funding gap to stabilize victim service programming. #VOCABridge #FullyFundVOCABridge

[tag legislators] Support and pass the #VOCABridge to ensure victims and survivors continue to have access to high quality free services they deserve. #mapoli


Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) dollars are the only federal funding source available for services to all victims of crime and the funds are at a historical low. Without action, this decrease in funds will result in a decrease in the number of victims and survivors that are served. We must bridge the gap for the thousands of survivors served by VOCA. Support the #VOCABridge to ensure the sustainability of services like those provided by Casa Myrna throughout the Commonwealth. We must continue to support survivors and stabilize victim service programming across the state. #SupportSurvivors #VOCABridge #FullyFundVOCABridge #mapoli [tag @massmova] [tag legislators]

#VOCABridge is an initiative that aims to bridge the funding gap for victim service organizations like Casa Myrna. It will ensure that no victim is left underserved as we face impending federal funding cuts. Governor Healey introduced a supplemental funding bill to the Legislature that includes the remaining $20M investment that would fully fund the #VOCABridge. This funding is essential to mitigate the funding cuts that over 90 victim service programs are facing. We must fully bridge the gap through expeditiously passing the VOCA Bridge to ensure the sustainability of services for victims and survivors. #FullyFundVOCABridge [tag legislators] [tag @massmova]

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