Survivor Story
Lucinda came to one of Casa Myrna’s shelter programs with her two youngest children after she decided to end her abusive marriage. As an immigrant, Lucinda had worked hard to provide her children with opportunities here. With her husband, she was able to financially make things work, but as a single mom, she could not afford to live on her own. She spoke with love and sadness about being separated from her older son who stayed in the Dominican Republic to train at a professional baseball camp. Despite all the trauma the Lucinda and her children experienced, she and her children always offered encouragement and support to other families when they felt down.
While at the shelter, Lucinda worked at a local grocery store. Because of the nature of her job and to help prevent the spread of COVID, Casa Myrna placed her in a temporary apartment. When her hours were reduced, Casa Myrna was able to provide emergency food and supplies to help her meet her family’s expenses. Working fewer hours, Lucinda took advantage of the additional time in her day by taking classes to become a certified home health aide so that she could earn more money and reach economic stability. Casa Myrna supported her through an emotional divorce by providing counseling and legal assistance. Thanks to expanded funding available through the Rapid Rehousing Program, Casa Myrna was also able to help Lucinda and her family move into a new apartment.
We know that Lucinda and her children will do great things in our Boston community, and we are privileged to witness their success.